Tuesday, December 24, 2013


Mas. The Spanish word for more.

That's what Christmas becomes when you take Christ out of it. Now, I will now claim that this is an original thought. I'm sure someone else has thought of it before.

This was all occurring to me as I sat through a rather tense (at least for me) Christmas Eve celebration. This particular family believes that holidays are meant to be celebrated for the purpose of seeing loved ones, tasting everyone's cooking abilities, and giving each other gifts. It also seems to be a prime time for practicing one's debate skills and seeing how long one can be in the lime light of the evening.

Tonight's discussion turned to the recent issue of Duck Dynasty and the controversy over one's rights to record their religious beliefs. What a beautiful night to remember where it Christian beliefs came from and to be thankful for the babe who grew up to be our Savior!

Instead, our host, gracious though she was, chose to voice her disdain for public Christianity. How awful, on the eve of Jesus' birth.

It made me stop and think how ugly America's Christmas has become. We've become so focused on the way-to-early Christmas things being sold, the sick and semi-dangerous shopping rushes, and who will produce and receive the best gifts, which, lest we forget, are given in remembrance of the most Precious Gift, our LORD and Savior, Jesus Christ. We've lost our focus, and I would like to bring it back before the next generation celebrates their first Christmas.

As my ranting session comes to a close, I'd like to share a classic on this eve of CHRISTmas, and wish you all a safe and blessed Christmas that you are able to celebrate, share, remember, and give thanks for with family and/or friends. God bless you, readers.

Linus tells it like it is.