Sunday, February 12, 2012

The Lord Giveth, and the Lord Taketh Away

Today brought on good news, as well as bad. I feel like the bad news should begin, to finish off on a good note.

My dad's father-in-law, my step-grandfather, passed away today. He had a long and painful battle with prostrate cancer, and our family will miss him dearly. Though I did not know him that long, I definitely will miss him and his quiet sense of humor and his love for blue-grass music. The pain of losing him was definitely not cushioned by the fact that my car has stopped running, which may impede me from attending his funeral. That's what I've been dealing with today.

On a much better note, my mom left me a message today in regards to my mission trip! The donations from the potluck that my church had for me have been counted up, and I received over $900!! PRAISE GOD!!!

Today has been rough, and I'm not really ready to start this week off, but, with the grace and strength of God, I will make it. Please continue to keep my trip in your prayers, and to keep my step-family in your prayers as we suffer Pa's loss.

Blessings on all that you do!

Friday, February 10, 2012


Ok, no pressure, I suppose. After all, it's just a blog, right? If people are going to judge what I'm writing, then they don't need to read it, right? I'm new to blogging, and I'm just giving it a test run here.

Russia. Wow. You know, I'm going there! May 22nd! It'll be my very first time out of the country, and I'M SO EXCITED!!! I'll be joining a group from southeast Nebraska, and we'll be doing work in orphanages, hospitals, and, if we're able to get in, prisons. It's going to be such an amazing experience! My boyfriend and one of my best friends has gone on this very trip the past two years, and they loved it and have been encouraging me to go. By the grace of God, it's becoming more and more possible! I must thank my pastor and home congregation for their support. I could never ask for a better support group than what I've been given!

As far as preparations go, I have my passport! (The photo is ugly as sin... Wish we were allowed to smile for those things...) My church, Trinity Lutheran of Friedensau, held a free-will potluck for me and was extremely generous in their donations! I am so grateful for all of them! Their prayers and monetary support will definitely be strong contributing factors as I leave for my first mission trip.

I sent out letters to Lutheran Women's Missionary Leagues that are in my church's area to request their support, and am now waiting on their responses. Please keep this in your prayers! The trip will cost a total of $3,500, and I know that God will provide if it be His will that this trip happens for me. At this point, with a passport in hand, I really hope it's His will! ;)

Alright! Blog 1: Success!

Blessings on all that you do!