Friday, January 18, 2013

My Mission Might Have Grown

So, two posts in one day seems pretty rare, unless I'm trying to catch up on journal entries, but you guys had to know this!

My school is offering the opportunity to go to China on a 3-week mission trip starting in June! I would be teaching English to students in grades preschool-8th grade. The setting will be a summer camp designed to teach students how to speak English.

The best part is this: the trip is paid for. I could potentially be going to China on a pre-paid mission trip!! GUYS!! THIS IS AWESOME!!!

I'm so excited about this, I can't even express it. I'll need to pray about it, consider it, and then pray some more. As I'm doing this, I must ask a favor: please, please join me in prayer. This is a huge opportunity, and I don't know how many other students will be interested in it, but they're taking 10 students total.

Again, please keep this in your prayers. If it is God's will that I go, we will see this great trip come to fruition, and if not, then we will see him at work in some other great way. I'm just so excited, I can't really formulate any other thoughts!!

Blessings on all that you do!

1 comment:

  1. I am so excited for you! That is so awesome and such a wonderful opportunity to do something you love without having to pay for it. Imagine, something that DOESN'T require money! I will definitely keep you and this potential trip in my prayers daily.

    Love in Christ,
