Monday, February 4, 2013

Getting the Ball Rolling

Well, it took me long enough, it seems, but I finally got my fundraising letters sent out!

I think I sent out about 30, one of them to the district LWML office. The only thing I can do now is to pray, pray and trust God that he will help me gather all the funds I need for this amazing experience.

On the subject of the China mission, I got things going on that, too! They had informational meetings last Wednesday and that's when we got all the information and the applications.

I found out that, not only is it an all-expenses-paid trip, but we also earn money while we're there! About the same as a full-time minimum wage job here in the states. THAT'S AMAZING!! I got my application in on Friday; they're all due this Thursday. There's an estimated 200 applicants, all who are just as passionate as I am about mission work, if not more so.

As much as I would adore going on this trip, I trust that the ten people who are chosen will be the ones that God would have go. They will be the ones who, hopefully, will be the most effective at spreading the Gospel and at teaching the English language to the students who they meet. That being said, though, I would really appreciate any prayers from anyone. I would love to go on this experience, but I know that all the applicants would love to go, as well. We find out mid-February who made it in and who didn't. I'll be sure to keep you updated on that!

Other than getting things moving in both the missions, there's isn't a whole lot else going on! Thank you again, for all your prayers! May God continue to bless every mission, be it a "backyard" mission or one that takes you overseas!

Blessings on all that you do!

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