Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Almost There! (In a couple different senses!!)

Well, this past Sunday was a huge gift from God, in several senses! Pastor Reehl, the leader of the trip, came to speak at the churches that my pastor serves, and it was wonderful! He gave very nice sermons, and did a great job of tying them into my mission trip! Both churches had goodwill offerings for my trip following the services, which was a wonderful thing, and both congregations (Lutheran Church Missouri Synod churches, St. Mark's - Ruskin, Nebraska and Trinity - Friedensau, Nebraska,) have been wonderful and supportive, and I am so grateful for them!!

Later that day, my church hosted a Lutheran Laymen's League gathering, and there was a free-will offering taken there as well, and my mom and I hosted a dinner so that more of the proceeds could go to my trip instead of paying back a caterer. My church (and community of churches!) were both very very supportive that night, and I'm very grateful for the efforts from that night as well!

All things counted up, I'm approximately $800 away from meeting my goal to be able to go on the trip!!! I can't believe it!!!! I thank God and my congregation nearly every day for all of the blessings, and for the opportunity to go on this trip!

Speaking of which, that's coming up here pretty quick! I'm less than two months away from traveling to Russia!!!!! We fly out of Omaha, Nebraska on May 22nd and I'll get into Saint Petersburg sometime after 18 (ish) hours on a plane. I am SOO excited for that! :) Everything said, though, this is going to be a great trip, and I thank you all again for your continued prayers and thoughts as this big event draws closer!!

Blessings on all that you do!

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