Tuesday, May 29, 2012


One week in! Thank you for all your prayers thus far! Please pray for continued strength and energy as we begin our second week overseas!! Pray that we continue to reach out to the people who we meet, that we continue to share smiles, laughter, and love, three things that cross any language barrier. Pray for safety as we continuously travel from orphanges to hospitals to prisons, as well as into Lithuania, Estonia, and Latvia! I'll be coming home on the 6th!

Here's my flight information for the 6th:

Flight information from Riga to Omaha, for June 6th:

Flight Numbers:
SK Scandinavian Airlines
Riga to Stockholm: 9619
Delta Airlines
Stockholm to Amsterdam: 9277
Amsterdam to Detroit: 235
Detroit to Omaha: 3118

Blessings on all that you do!

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