Saturday, May 19, 2012

Three Days Left!!

Here we are, finishing off my final full week in the States! I left home yesterday (Friday,) and I'm staying in Des Moines with my dad. This whole weekend, by the way, has been a huge blessing, as I have gotten to see my cousins and their two new babies, as well as attend my uncle's wedding, where I got to see most of my dad's side of the family. What a great way to start this great adventure!

Getting more and more anxious as the days go on, that's for sure! When I left the house yesterday, I was hoping and praying that I had everything, but, naturally, being me, something was, of course, forgotten. Thankfully, it was only my sweatpants that I planned on wearing to fly and sleep in, and they are easily replaced here in the city.

Tomorrow, I'm meeting up with a friend at the mall, and I'll be on the lookout for a Russian language book. I saw one in Barnes and Noble a couple months ago, but I didn't get it. I decided that it will be a useful tool on my new journey, so that's what I'll be doing tomorrow, as well as stocking up on flying snacks (airline food just doesn't always make the cut,) and bug spray!! Huzzah!

Had more generous people find me the day before I left. Two of my dear friends came to spend a few hours with me before I departed, and both of their moms sent generous monetary donations with them, so the thanks and praise continues, even as my trip draws closer and closer.

I may or may not have posts set up for automatic posting while I'm in Russia. I can promise they won't be live, but I can also promise that I will be journaling with great detail everything that is going on. When I return, that'll all get transfered here! Have a wonderful two weeks, dear friends, and I can't wait to share all of God's grace and glory that will be expereienced on this trip!!

Blessings on all that you do!

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