Thursday, June 27, 2013

June 2, 2013: Day 7

Today was very nice, very relaxing. It's definitely going to be different from last year, in that we went from our buys, fast-paced week in Russia to our slower, more relaxed week in the Baltics. That's switched around this year, so moving into our fast-paced week may be somewhat of a challenge.

Any way, after our breakfast in Tallinn, we drove to Parnu, where we were able to attend a Lutheran church. The service was in Estonian, but we were able to pick things out like the Lord's Prayer, the sharing of the peace, and the benediction. We also had Communion, which makes Latvia the only Baltic State left for me to have Communion in - don't think it'll happen on this trip, though.

Caitlynn also sang in church, an English hymn, and she did a wonderful job, beautiful addition to the service. I had an unintentional performance myself; when the congregation had filed out, we were waiting for the pastor (he wanted to recap his sermon for us in English,) and I st down to play Für Elise on the church's grand piano. I had my back to the door, and as I was playing, a tourist group filed in, completely unbeknownst to me. THAT was embarrassing...

We were able to eat out, and then once we got back into Latvia, we stopped at the Baltic Sea and swam. Well, more like waded. The water never went much past my waist, and the further out we got, the closer to came to hypothermia (I am, of course, exaggerating, but it was extremely cold,) so we stayed pretty close to shore.

Ilze (our driver's wife and hostess while in the Baltics,) prepared a wonderful dinner for us tonight, and then afterwards we took a dip in the lake. Now I'm sitting outside, watching the sun set over the lake, full of good, homemade tea, enjoying the beautiful piece of creation.

Tomorrow will be our last full day in the Baltics - we'll be going to Madonna, Latvia to fill suitcases with things for the people in Russia. We don't send containers to Russia from Orphan Grain Train anymore because the mafia goes through it and completely rifles and pilages the contents. Instead, we send them to the Baltics and then find people, like us, to move the contents safely across the borders. Seems to work much better.

Grita, Juris's (our driver,) HUGE German shepherd, is laying so peacefully next to the house, the family across the lake is swimming with their kids, my bug spray is keeping away the evil mosquitoes - I'm juts a really content person right now. I think I'll finish up with my devos and some plans for my group devotion in Russia, and then hunker down for the night.

Side note: Tonight we learned that Oklahoma City got hit, again, with even more tornadoes. Prayers for those people back at home who are suffering from so much pain and loss - may God give them comfort in their time of grief.

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