Wednesday, June 19, 2013

May 30th, 2013: Day 4

Today we spent most of our day traveling; we went from Latvia into Lithuania. On the way, we stopped first for lunch at the pastry shop in Latvia that we stopped at last year. We also stopped at the largest Lutheran church in Lithuania, the same one that the youth group goes to.

Largest Lutheran Church in Lithuania
We were also able to visit the church's humanitarian center, where they have youth group meetings, church meetings, and the Orphan Grain Train distribution center for this area. 
Inside the Humanitarian Center
When we got to the hunting lodge, we were able to meet up with the youth group again! There were five who came to visit, and we talked, played "Jungle Speed," and then "Monkey in the Middle." We had such a great time, and I'm so grateful for the opportunity to reconnect with some of my friends from last year! Here's some pictures from hanging out with them:

The other success was that Pastor Reehl was able to connect with some Lithuanian pastors and set up shipment details for Orphan Grain Train containers! This is exciting because not all churches are accepting/believing of the fact that we can or will ship a huge container full of free resources. The idea behind a rich country sending clothes over here seems too good to be true. 

However, Pastor was able to communicate with a pastor who runs a rehabilitation center for those who struggle with addictions to alcohol and drugs, and he was so excited about this opportunity for his people - there was no hesitation in accepting the container; what a blessing! Communicating the love of Christ through donations and shipments is only possible when pastors/leaders are willing to accept the help. Pastor Reehl set up 2 new shipment sites - a huge success, and all the glory to God! :)

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