Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Dublin, Just For a Day

Alright, here's the story:

About 3 hours out of Frankfurt, our captain came over the intercom and told us that our weather radar was broken, and due to an upcoming storm, it made it both illegal and dangerous for us to continue flying without a functioning radar. 

We proceeded to land in Dublin so that a mechanic could determine how bad the problem was. After 4 or 5 hours in the airplane, they determined that the part needed had to come from London, which would take 6 hours. 

Meanwhile, it's a holiday in Ireland, and every possible flight to any possible location was booked full. The airline is putting us up in a hotel, paying for 3 meals and our rooms. We hope that everything will go well. We board the bus at 2:30 tomorrow morning, and our plane leaves at 6 for Frankfurt. 

So, today, we get to explore the countryside of Ireland!! I'm so excite for our unplanned detour!! But yes, we are safe, well, and excited!!

Blessings on all that you do!

And We're Off!

Well, took off from Omaha, me and 9 other people, if I counted correctly. Next we land in Chicago, call all the loved ones, shut off the phones, and we're outta here for good!!

There's the sky coming out of Omaha. There's a decent amount of turbulence, but not too bad. I'm sitting next to my roommate (both for the trip and for the summer,) Caitlynn on the flight, and I think we're both super excited. I need to find another adjective besides "super" for this trip...

I'll post this when we land in Chicago, and probably add some more before I actually put this entry online. Then I may be able to post from the plane, if we get wifi! (First world problems...)

Chicago, 12:35 PM.

We landed safely; board in an hour, take off in just 2 hours! Not much more to say on that... Next update from the plane or Latvia!!! :)

Over the ocean, 7:40 AM, Central Time. 

Soooo... iPod didnt want to connect in Chicago airport, and there's no wifi on the plane, so I'll try posting again when we land in Germany. Until then, I'm going to... Enjoy... This 8 hour plane ride...

Blessings on all that you do!

Sunday, May 26, 2013

Tomorrow, Tomorrow...

In just 8 short hours, we'll be throwing my suitcase and backpack (and probably me, 'cause I probably won't be that awake...) into the back of the car and driving to Omaha!! 8:30 is check-in time and 10:40 is takeoff time! From Omaha to Chicago, from Chicago to Frankfurt, and finally from Frankfurt to Riga. We'll land on Tuesday and be off! It's crazy to think that I'm already to this point... Can't believe I'll be on a plane again tomorrow!

I got to spend my final night catching up with my two cousins who live in Des Moines suburbs, and although the children of the first cousin were asleep, I did get to see the other cousin's kiddos and spend some time with them. I have to gush for a second: They are the cutest kids. Ever. Here's my favorite photo from the night:

Dad reading to the kids; Calvin (1 year) is sitting on my lap, and Logan (6 years) is giving Dad the funny look.
It was a lot of fun to see them; definitely a cute bunch of kiddos and a great send-off. 

Actually, going just a bit backwards chronologically, today was just a great day in general. I went to Dad's church in Johnston, and the congregation prayed for me at the end of a service. That's a great way to spend my last day, too, knowing that I have even more people praying for me and the group. We also talked in Bible study about the Athenasian Creed, and how that connects to my upcoming mission - it was just a really great last church service in the States.

Well, not too much more to say here - guess I'll sign off until I blog from one of the airports tomorrow!! From here on out, the blogs will be from my iPod, so they won't be as long until I get back to the States and type up my journal entries from the trip. Love to you all, and thanks again for all your prayers and support.

Blessings on all that you do!

Saturday, May 25, 2013

2 Days... Woah...

I am on the first leg of the journey!!

Yesterday, after my first full day of work, I filled up the gas tank and headed to Des Moines, IA. Spent today at a graduation party, and then tomorrow I'll hopefully be reuniting with my cousins and going through my suitcase one more time before I leave at around 6 AM on Monday morning. I'll be the first one to say it, I will NOT be coherent at that point of the day, and if I'm trying to pack last minute... Forget it. It's not happening.

Any way, as far as how I'm feeling, I'm feeling kind of tense and nervous, but also super excited. The thrill of packing, getting everything together, and preparing for the flight are all very exciting, but it's also nerve-wracking. I have to remember that, even if I forget something, I have access to shopping points, so everything will be ok.

As far as sitting still long enough to get over there and going through security... Oh man, just not really looking forward to that, I'll be honest.

But what I am looking forward to is seeing the kids, devotions with Pastor Reehl in the morning, waking up to a bright sun at 4 in the morning (not even kidding, really am looking forward to that...), person devos by the lake, home Latvian cooking, getting to see the Concordia University choir and all my friends who are in it, and getting to know the new people on the trip.

Actually, that leads me into a story I don't believe I've shared yet. There's a couple going with me on the trip, and they're from Gretna, which is one of the places I went to speak about last year's trip. They found out about the Russia trip through me, and now they're going.

Isn't that amazing? Now, I've shared my story and two new people are coming on the trip. Who knows, perhaps next year, they'll share their trip, and each of them will bring two more people along. Isn't it amazing how it continues to grow?! I'm so excited to watch this mission spread. I'm not sure if I'll ever be going back to Russia or not, but to see that God uses me after I come back to the States is both exciting and encouraging for me as I go on this trip!!

Any way, that's about all the excitement I have to share!! It's possible that the next time I blog will be from the Omaha airport as we wait to take off, or from Chicago as we wait to fly internationally!!! Can't wait to share this experience with you guys.

Blessings on all that you do!

Thursday, May 23, 2013

4 days!!!

Sorry I skipped, but to be honest, when there were 5 days left, there just wasn't too much going on.

Tonight, though, after a busy day at work, I came home and started to pack!! (I leave tomorrow. Nothing like packing at the last minute...) Now, I can guarantee that I'll forget something here, but somehow it will all work out, I'm sure.

The adventure starts tomorrow, at least for me. After my first full day at my job, I'll jump in my packed car, fill him up, and then head east to Des Moines to stay with my dad, catch up with his side of the family, attend a graduation party for my friends, and then try to sleep before the big day. (Hah, yeah right... Thank God for Niquil!) Not to mention, run around trying to find everything that I don't have yet, like a passport holder and bug spray. Nothing says "exciting trip" like last minute packing.

It's been kind of crazy in my apartment - my roommate, Caitlynn, is going with me and is actually going to be my roommate on the trip!! It's pretty cool, because we know how each other works, and we get along super well. It's just kind of an explosion at home, with both of us packing and trying to clean before we fly out. But such is the excitement of travel, which I love so dearly!

Also, a note of thanks: I have a best friend back at home whose family has supported me and loved me for as long as I can remember, and they sent me a very generous monetary donation, which will be able to pay for some extra treats or fruit for the kids, and the small expenses that come right before takeoff. Thank God for wonderful people who support me through their monetary gifts, their prayers, and their good wishes. All are such a blessing, and they make this possible.

Something to keep in your prayers: It may seem minor, but I seem to be on the verge of fighting off a head cold. NOT something I really want to be doing on a 13-hour plane trip. I'll be packing in the Vitamin C, but definitely keep that in your prayers. I'd rather not be miserable to start this trip off!!

That's about all I have for now. Thanks for your support, everyone. You guys all mean the world to me.

Blessings on all that you do!

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

6 Days

6 days!!

One week from today, we will be landing in Riga, Lativa at 1:30ish PM. From there, we will go to stay with our driver, Juris, and his family at their GORGEOUS lake house. It's such a beautiful place; I'm really looking forward to going back to the house, and to his wife's cooking - wonderful food. Absolutely wonderful.

Today, in preparation, I need to start packing. I will leave Seward on Friday, after work, and drive to Des Moines so that I can stay with my dad, see my cousins, and go some friends' graduation party. Monday morning, we'll be getting up BRIGHT and early (not my favorite time of the day, but it's going to be completely worth it,) so that we can get to the Omaha airport by 8:30. Two hours gives us enough time to go through all the paperwork, customs, security, etc. before we board.

Side note here: I am blessed by the people I'm surrounded by, and one of them is my dad. He used to be a pastor, and therefore, has some of the best people skills, is very calming, and he appreciates our mission for what God is sending us out to do. Last year, he prayed over the group before we boarded the plane - probably the best send off I could have asked for. This year, my leader asked if he would pray for us again, and I'm so excited that he'll be my final blessing before we board the plane. What a great way to start the trip!

That all being said, there's a lot to do before I take off on Friday - just three days away!! Whoosta!! And I'm keeping busy in between, catching up with friends, trying to stay active, keeping my apartment clean, and everything else. Such is the life of a college student, I suppose! And I'm loving every second of it!

Hopefully, later, I can put up some pictures of the packed suitcase... We'll see just how well I do.

Blessings on all that you do!

Monday, May 20, 2013

One Week Countdown Begins... NOW!!!

Let me give this just a second...

Nope. Still hasn't sunk in that I leave. In a week. On a plane. Overseas. Again.


Oh man, guys, I'm so super pumped for this trip!!!! Something that I want to try this year is video journals on the blog... We'll see how that goes, but I'll give it my best shot!! :) 

Well, as this final week in the States begins, I thought I'd share the itinerary with you guys, so you know where I'll be and what I'll be doing. Gah, so excited for this.... :D

Russia Itinerary Calendar

The full itinerary can be viewed best if you have the month set to June.

Also, here's the official countdown to the day I leave:

Countdown Clock!

More tomorrow!!

Blessings on all that you do!

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Why Should I Worry?

Billy Joel's song couldn't have put it more perfectly... "Why should I worry? Why should I care? I may not have a dime..."

Well, except that I do have a dime. Times about 20,507. God worked a miracle on Sunday, and I came away with $875 - exactly $175 more than what I needed to make it on this trip. There were many tears of joy shed on Sunday, and tears of thankfulness.

I love my mother, she shared something along these lines with me:

You know, we always are so surprised when God gives us exactly what we need. However, that's exactly what He promises to do! And yet, every time, we are shocked that we are left without want.

And how true is that? I went to two churches on Sunday to share a little bit about the upcoming trip (13 DAYS, GUYS!!! HOLY SMOKES!!!) and after my sister and I left the first on the way back to our home church, I had her count the money (which, by the way, came solely from a freewill offering,) and she smiled as she turned to me and said "Steph, there's $509 here."

I cried.

I'll admit, I was so scared, so unsure that anything was going to come out of it. The mission donations from that church last week had gone to a young man on his way to China (prayers for him! I believe he takes off for his trip a week before I leave for mine,) and the total had been $100. I was so nervous.

But you know what? I'll bet that he needed exactly $100. I believe that God gives us what we need, whether or not we know we need it, if that makes any sense at all.

Between Ruskin, Trinity (my home church,) and a generous gift from one of my best friends (if you're reading this, you know exactly who you are - thank you!) I am able to go to Russia, to buy gifts for the kids, and to be completely blown away by what God will do on this journey.

That being said, please begin considering my team and I in your prayers. We will fly out of Omaha, Nebraska on May 27th at 10:40 AM, fly through Chicago, layover in Frankfurt, Germany (that will be an 8 hour, 25 minute trip, AND we have a 5 hour layover in Germany!!) and then land in Riga, Latvia, on May 28th at 1:35 PM local time. I hope to keep this updated while I'm overseas, but that will depend on how much internet connection my sad, broken iPod can find... So keep that in your prayers, too. ;)

Thank you, everyone, for everything you've done for me.

Blessings on all that you do!

Thursday, May 9, 2013

Scared to Death

Matthew 6:25-34

Do Not Worry

25 “Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink; or about your body, what you will wear. Is not life more than food, and the body more than clothes? 26 Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they? 27 Can any one of you by worrying add a single hour to your life[a]?

28 “And why do you worry about clothes? See how the flowers of the field grow. They do not labor or spin. 29 Yet I tell you that not even Solomon in all his splendor was dressed like one of these. 30 If that is how God clothes the grass of the field, which is here today and tomorrow is thrown into the fire, will he not much more clothe you—you of little faith? 31 So do not worry, saying, ‘What shall we eat?’ or ‘What shall we drink?’ or ‘What shall we wear?’ 32 For the pagans run after all these things, and your heavenly Father knows that you need them. 33 But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well. 34 Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.

Hello, readers. So, I'm asking for your fervent prayers, because I'm not going to lie, I'm super nervous right now, about so many different things. First of all, the thing that seems to be troubling everyone these days, is money. I need $700 to make my goal for Russia, and we leave in exactly 18 days. That's terrifying to me! However, I know that God will provide, if it be His will. He provided in abundance last year, and I know that He will take care of me. The Bible verse I started out with reminds me of how much He cares for me, and how I need not worry.

Second, and this one may seem trivial, but my passport isn't back yet! We sent them off to get verified, and they haven't come in yet. Considering we leave in very few days, this makes me incredibly nervous!!! But again, all in God's timing.

Finally, this trip, in general. I've seen what's over there, I know the conditions that the people are living in, and I know what their histories are, at least a bit more than I did last year. I'm scared to go back.

God's got something so amazing planned for this trip, I know it. However, I'm still so very nervous. In comparison to last year, there seem to be a few more hiccups this year and a little bit less certainty about how things are going to come together. Please, please keep me in your prayers. My nerves should not be getting the best of me, but I am only human. I pray that everything falls together, and that God does some amazing things on this trip. Thank you for all your support!

In Christ,

Blessings on all that you do!