Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Why Should I Worry?

Billy Joel's song couldn't have put it more perfectly... "Why should I worry? Why should I care? I may not have a dime..."

Well, except that I do have a dime. Times about 20,507. God worked a miracle on Sunday, and I came away with $875 - exactly $175 more than what I needed to make it on this trip. There were many tears of joy shed on Sunday, and tears of thankfulness.

I love my mother, she shared something along these lines with me:

You know, we always are so surprised when God gives us exactly what we need. However, that's exactly what He promises to do! And yet, every time, we are shocked that we are left without want.

And how true is that? I went to two churches on Sunday to share a little bit about the upcoming trip (13 DAYS, GUYS!!! HOLY SMOKES!!!) and after my sister and I left the first on the way back to our home church, I had her count the money (which, by the way, came solely from a freewill offering,) and she smiled as she turned to me and said "Steph, there's $509 here."

I cried.

I'll admit, I was so scared, so unsure that anything was going to come out of it. The mission donations from that church last week had gone to a young man on his way to China (prayers for him! I believe he takes off for his trip a week before I leave for mine,) and the total had been $100. I was so nervous.

But you know what? I'll bet that he needed exactly $100. I believe that God gives us what we need, whether or not we know we need it, if that makes any sense at all.

Between Ruskin, Trinity (my home church,) and a generous gift from one of my best friends (if you're reading this, you know exactly who you are - thank you!) I am able to go to Russia, to buy gifts for the kids, and to be completely blown away by what God will do on this journey.

That being said, please begin considering my team and I in your prayers. We will fly out of Omaha, Nebraska on May 27th at 10:40 AM, fly through Chicago, layover in Frankfurt, Germany (that will be an 8 hour, 25 minute trip, AND we have a 5 hour layover in Germany!!) and then land in Riga, Latvia, on May 28th at 1:35 PM local time. I hope to keep this updated while I'm overseas, but that will depend on how much internet connection my sad, broken iPod can find... So keep that in your prayers, too. ;)

Thank you, everyone, for everything you've done for me.

Blessings on all that you do!

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