Sunday, May 26, 2013

Tomorrow, Tomorrow...

In just 8 short hours, we'll be throwing my suitcase and backpack (and probably me, 'cause I probably won't be that awake...) into the back of the car and driving to Omaha!! 8:30 is check-in time and 10:40 is takeoff time! From Omaha to Chicago, from Chicago to Frankfurt, and finally from Frankfurt to Riga. We'll land on Tuesday and be off! It's crazy to think that I'm already to this point... Can't believe I'll be on a plane again tomorrow!

I got to spend my final night catching up with my two cousins who live in Des Moines suburbs, and although the children of the first cousin were asleep, I did get to see the other cousin's kiddos and spend some time with them. I have to gush for a second: They are the cutest kids. Ever. Here's my favorite photo from the night:

Dad reading to the kids; Calvin (1 year) is sitting on my lap, and Logan (6 years) is giving Dad the funny look.
It was a lot of fun to see them; definitely a cute bunch of kiddos and a great send-off. 

Actually, going just a bit backwards chronologically, today was just a great day in general. I went to Dad's church in Johnston, and the congregation prayed for me at the end of a service. That's a great way to spend my last day, too, knowing that I have even more people praying for me and the group. We also talked in Bible study about the Athenasian Creed, and how that connects to my upcoming mission - it was just a really great last church service in the States.

Well, not too much more to say here - guess I'll sign off until I blog from one of the airports tomorrow!! From here on out, the blogs will be from my iPod, so they won't be as long until I get back to the States and type up my journal entries from the trip. Love to you all, and thanks again for all your prayers and support.

Blessings on all that you do!

1 comment:

  1. Hi, Steph!
    It was nice to have you around this weekend. We enjoyed seeing you.
    And even if we were half-awake when leaving Des Moines for Omaha this morning, it was great to be there to meet the rest of your group and pray with you.
    God Speed on your travels!
    Much Love,
    Dad and Diana
