Thursday, May 23, 2013

4 days!!!

Sorry I skipped, but to be honest, when there were 5 days left, there just wasn't too much going on.

Tonight, though, after a busy day at work, I came home and started to pack!! (I leave tomorrow. Nothing like packing at the last minute...) Now, I can guarantee that I'll forget something here, but somehow it will all work out, I'm sure.

The adventure starts tomorrow, at least for me. After my first full day at my job, I'll jump in my packed car, fill him up, and then head east to Des Moines to stay with my dad, catch up with his side of the family, attend a graduation party for my friends, and then try to sleep before the big day. (Hah, yeah right... Thank God for Niquil!) Not to mention, run around trying to find everything that I don't have yet, like a passport holder and bug spray. Nothing says "exciting trip" like last minute packing.

It's been kind of crazy in my apartment - my roommate, Caitlynn, is going with me and is actually going to be my roommate on the trip!! It's pretty cool, because we know how each other works, and we get along super well. It's just kind of an explosion at home, with both of us packing and trying to clean before we fly out. But such is the excitement of travel, which I love so dearly!

Also, a note of thanks: I have a best friend back at home whose family has supported me and loved me for as long as I can remember, and they sent me a very generous monetary donation, which will be able to pay for some extra treats or fruit for the kids, and the small expenses that come right before takeoff. Thank God for wonderful people who support me through their monetary gifts, their prayers, and their good wishes. All are such a blessing, and they make this possible.

Something to keep in your prayers: It may seem minor, but I seem to be on the verge of fighting off a head cold. NOT something I really want to be doing on a 13-hour plane trip. I'll be packing in the Vitamin C, but definitely keep that in your prayers. I'd rather not be miserable to start this trip off!!

That's about all I have for now. Thanks for your support, everyone. You guys all mean the world to me.

Blessings on all that you do!

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