Thursday, July 12, 2012

First Presentation: Done!

Well, I just finished up my very first presentation! It was an awesome experience. I had a small group of ladies, a local Lutheran Women's Missionary League that was meeting and invited me to present during their meeting.

I went into my presentation unrehearsed, which was on purpose. I wanted them to feel the same impact that I felt, and the emotions felt on the trip were unplanned. Maybe that doesn't make sense, but to me, a rehearsed speech was just too formal. I had a Powerpoint to share, and then from there, I trusted God to lead me through, to hit the high points that left me with an impression, and the result was wonderful!

Prayers for my community this evening: Yesterday, we lost a young man, in his 30's, to a farming accident. He leaves behind a wife and two young boys, and a loving family. It was his church that I presented at tonight. Please pray for his family, as they struggle with the grief of losing a loved one, but also seek the joy in knowing that he is now forever with our loving Savior.

Thank you for your continued prayer and support, and may God bless you in all that you do!

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