Saturday, July 7, 2012


Here I am, with my posts from the trip finally up! (I do apologize for the delay...)

Any way, looking back through my entries, through my pictures, I realize how much as changed since that trip, and how much that trip affected me completely.

Since that trip, I have decided that I would love nothing more than to finish my education and move to Russia (not necessarily right away, but at some point,) to become a full-time missionary over there. I would love to be able to teach a school in Russia. Actually, my dream, though it sounds ambitious now, is to direct my own orphanage. I would love to be able to run an orphanage, teach there, and do other outreaches in a Russian community.

Other ideas I have would to be a translator, like Nicoli and his wife. They have no kids, but instead, have taken on the 1300 kids that they work with. Nicoli told us that they don't have their own kids, but they can love on 1300 kids who have never known what love really is. Now doesn't that sound awesome? I would love that job.

I would also love to start a Royal Family Kids Camp in Russia. RFKC is a camp for abused and neglected kids that was started in California, and has spread across the states and is now interntational. I would love, adore, to start that outreach in Russia. The only thing is, most kids are in the orphanages because of the same reasons that RFKC exists, so it's almost as though the orphanages were their own version of camp. Which brings me back to wanting to direct my own orphanage! :)

Honestly, right now, the idea is terrifying. I don't know more than a few words of Russian, I've been to only a few oblasts (their version of states) in the country, and I've certainly never been over there by myself. The idea of leaving the comfortable life that I have in the United States absolutely scares me to death.

And then God steps in, and I remember that His will is perfect, His love is flawless, and His presence is never-ending. If God is calling me to become a full-time missionary over there, then He will take care of my every need, and provide even more than that, and what else can I ask for?

I am planning on going back to Russia in a year! I loved it so much, I couldn't stay away! So again, I ask for your prayers as I begin to fundraise again, begin to think of seeing my kids who I "adopted", and ultimately continue listening to God as He spells out His plans for me.

Thank you to all of you who have supported me, in any way at all. You have been an amazing part of my life, and I pray that you'll continue to support me as I continue on my journey. :)

God bless you in all that you do!

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