Tuesday, July 24, 2012

My Heroes Don't Wear Capes... Most Days.

Today was absolutely amazing. Just kind of blows my mind when I think all the way back to 6:30 AM this morning, and look at today, now. Seems like two days packed into one!!

Our friend Katie recovered nicely, but not enough to be able to return back to her kiddos today. That being the case, Penelope and Patricia still needed a counselor for the day. I jumped in right after staff meeting, and so fulfilled my first official day as an RFKC counselor!

Pause. To all of you who have EVER been an RFKC counselor, you guys have officially become my heroes. I don't understand how it is that you do what you guys do. My co-counselor, Kristen, is such a sweet, loving, smiley girl, and she never loses patience, she never says anything sharp to the girls, and she commands their full attention effortlessly, it seems!

I don't want to make it sound like today was horrible, because it wasn't. It was an awesome experience to be a "foster counselor", as Miss Penelope dubbed me. (Isn't that like the best title ever??) I was able to get to know them a little better, hold their hands all day long, swim with them at the beach, make baby dolls out of clay with them, hang out with them during their rest time (where I was able to explain how to reference Biblical texts to one of Kristen's girls,) and overall, we just had a really amazing day, getting to learn about each other!

The girls definitely missed Katie, though, and it was such a God-send that by dinner, she was able to resume her counselor position! It was about that time that I felt myself slowly losing patience, and Katie was sent back at the most opportune time!

Over and over today, I kept thinking of when God says "My grace is made sufficient in your weaknesses." And how true that was today! My weakness was my low patience level today, and God's grace shown through like a precious jewel. He showed me, through my two little girls, how much He continues to love us, even when we fail at our daily tasks, or when we fail to love others unconditionally. Not only does He forgive us and give us His steadfast love, but He also gives His abundance of love where we fall short. Not that we should start loving people less, but isn't it comforting to know that, even on days when we aren't showing the kind of love we ought to be, that we have an awesome and amazing God filling in the spots, to a point where can't even comprehend how much love is given?? YAY, GOD!!

Today was a success, in my mind. New relationships were built, new boundaries were challenged and overcome, and God was shown as a powerful Father in all things. Praise God for the wonderful things He does on a daily basis! On that note, praise God for sleep!! ;) Goodnight, prayer warriors!!

Blessings on all that you do!

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