Thursday, July 5, 2012

May 27th - Day 6

Late at night: Today was filled with culture, and we were able to relax and learn. We started off by going to an English-speaking church, led by Pastor Leif Camp. It was wonderful to hear strangers speak English, and to sing hymns. Our group has some talented singers! The church is in an old basement, but is in fellowship with the LCMS, so we were able to take Communion, which was also very exciting! Afterwards, we ate a small lunch before going back to the market. Some people went to the Hermitage, which is the second-biggest art museum in the world, second only to the Louve. Alyssa, Courtney, Natalie, Carter, Michael, and myself were accompanied by our interpreter's wife, Valentina, on a boat ride that went around the city. There was such a variety of architecture! It was a beautiful ride. When we got back, we rested for a bit before going out to eat for dinner.

We went on our daily walk when we got back, and fed a bunch of cookies to a bunch of pigeons! They were eating out of our hand by the end.

On the way back we stopped by the Super Market, and Michela had the guy (who looks like an undercover body-gaurd,) tell her that she was trying to steal the half-downed water bottle in her bag! This wasn't true, of course, but he still made us pay for it. Again. We're not going back to that one again.

We got back and just all hung out for a few hours, which was really really nice! tomorrow we go to 2 orphanages, one of which Michael's church sponsors. On Tuesday we get to meet my church's kids! I am sooo excited for that opportunity. This experience has and will continue to be absolutely amazing, praise God!

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