Saturday, July 7, 2012

June 1, Day 11

We drove to Latvia last night, and we are staying with our driver and his family in their gorgeous lake hosue. On the way here, we were able to stop and step in the Baltic Sea! It was such a wonderful, beautiful piece of creation!

Today we are going to Madona to see an Orphan Grain Train station, and the Svoniki Orphanage, out in the country.

Later: We were served a lovely, tasty tea at the first stop we went to, and we were able to explore the pastor's property, which is some 400 years old. It was really nice, and then we went to see where the congregation stores their shipments from Orphan Grain Train before we left for the orphanage. The orphanage we visited was started by a Canadian pastor who bought a farm house and began to rescue children who were running away from drunk, abusive paretns. He's turned the establishment into more a family home than anything else. They have 12 permanent kids, and then 12 more that come in after school and on weekends. The kids run free, but have responsibilities with the farm's animals, such as feeding and cleaning out pends. I really liked it, and the kids were all happy, and seemed to really enjoy living there. We had an overall very nice time, and we enjoyed our rainy day out.

"Knowing what is right is like deep water in the heart; a wise person draws from the well within." -- Proverbs 20:5 MSG

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